Books 2024

Nuclear War – A ScenarioAnnie Jacobsen
🔥The Unicorn ProjectGene Kim
🔥The Encyclopedia of the Weird and WonderfulMilo Rossi
Heretics of DuneFrank Herbert
An Caisteal Fon MhuirJason Bond
The Three-Body ProblemCixin Liu
🔥The Dark ForestCixin Liu
Earth’s EndCixin Liu
The Eye of the WorldRobert Jordan
The Great HuntRobert Jordan
The Dragon RebornRobert Jordan
Shadow DiversRobert Kurson
Light of the JediCharles Soule
The HobbitTolkien
Am I Doing This Right?Tony D. Thelen
Clanlands in New ZealandSam Heughan &
Graham McTavish

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